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Sorting Out Career Assessments

Saundra Loffredo summarizes several of the more popular ones, what they measure and how they can be useful to you.

Don’t Let Your Dissertation Run Your Life

If you allow it to take over, you will be missing crucial aspects of the world outside your office, lab or library, warns David A. McDonald.

Why You Should Job Search Like a Runner

Katharyn L. Stober shows how the same practical tips for performing better as a runner can apply to advancing your career.

How to Build Your Own Career Fair

It’s an excellent way for Ph.D.s and postdocs to articulate how their skills might add value to organizations that lie outside their traditional disciplinary areas, writes Robert D. Pearson.

Building Your Brand During a Career Transition

Finding your passion in one particular area and cultivating it more intensely is a useful strategy, advises Adriana Bankston.

Don’t Network Like I Garden

Joseph Barber explains how, as with the plants in your garden, the people in your career network need nurturing to thrive.

Lies and Other Advice

Alfreda James shares insights for any new or soon-to-be Ph.D. interested in the day-to-day life of a career education professional.

You Need an Exit Plan

As you embark on your next career steps, how do you manage a graceful and less stressful departure from your current job? Michael A. Matrone provides advice.