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Career Support Beyond the Career Center

Katharyn L. Stober describes some helpful resources on your campus that you may be overlooking.

Keeping an Edge on Your Career Development

Gaia Vasiliver-Shamis shares lessons she learned from figure skating that can also help you in your career.

Demystifying Résumé Writing

Graduate students should view it as another piece of research-based writing -- with themselves as the subject, writes Melissa Dalgleish.

A Job Doesn't Have to Be for Life

No matter what move you are making, there will always be opportunities to change the direction of your career path if you need to, writes Joseph Barber.

Making Your Way Through the Doldrums

When your progress stalls before you have started to get to the core of your dissertation, how do you break through the stress and isolation? Victoria McGovern offers some suggestions.

Strategies for a Successful Interview

Melissa Dennihy offers eight tips for job candidates.

Creating a Good Cover Letter

Pallavi Eswara gives tips on how to put your best image forward.

Needed: A New Graduate Adviser-Advisee Relationship

How can graduate advisers think strategically about their advisees’ career preparation within the flawed system for Ph.D.s? James M. Van Wyck provides advice.