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Cheating, Plagiarism and Just Plain "Not-too-Bright" Students

We’ve discussed the notion of cheating several times here at the University of Venus, its ramifications, philosophical perspectives, and devices...

Shared problems, shared solutions: Six recommendations for gender equality in higher education

I have been travelling quite a bit in recent months; I attended several conferences and met many new and interesting...

What's New at University of Venus - Week Ending 1 October 2011

UVenus Around the Web: Academics thinking locally: a scholar's role in widening participation Rosalie Arcala Hall with UVenus at The...

Deconstructing Proverbs

September's UVenus question comes to us from Meg Palladino -- What is your favorite proverb or saying, and why? Afshan...

Hot For Teacher*

Photo: Afshan Jafar Afshan Jafar What makes a teacher hot? Better yet, why is it an important question to consider...

An Impossible Position?

Today I found myself in an impossible position. After my lecture – I’m teaching an introduction to South African history...

What's New at University of Venus - 24 September 2011

UVenus Around the Web: Our UVenus networking challenge was highlighted at The Guardian (UK) The University of Warwick builds on...

Hello, My Name is Heather, and I'm a Piler

Monday afternoon, after a particularly brutal, yet uneventful day, a large stack of papers fell from my desk to the...