Filter & Sort

So it's Sunday evening and I'm in my office on campus.

I like being here when it’s unnervingly deserted. It’s a great time to make sure I’m up to speed on...

When You've Done Everything Wrong

Suddenly tenure is within my grasp. I am a scholar who has done everything wrong (according to the academic standards)...

What's New at University of Venus - Week Ending 15 October 2011

UVenus Around the Web: Women in Research: Recommendations for Gender Equality in Higher Education: Anamaria Dutceac Segesten for UVenus at...


The ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests have spread to Boston, and most notably to our university. International Affairs students particularly...

What is a Blog Post?

“What’s the point of this?” “Poorly argued.” “This isn’t about anything.” Lee Skallerup I’ve read these comments at the bottom...

Dual Use of Academia

“Dual use” is a term in my field, International Relations. Very simply put, it refers to the use of an...

What's New at University of Venus - Week Ending 8 October 2011

UVenus Around the Web: UVenus at The Guardian (UK): Heather Alderfer with Academic records: a registrar's guide to archiving, organising...

What Defines a Dilettante?

It's that time of year. I've read through more resumes and essays than I care to remember. I have the...