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Social Media and Collegiate Athletics

Social media has been present in the lives of collegiate athletes for as long as there has been social media. However, it would seem that coaches and the NCAA are just now realizing that social media is something that they may want to learn more about.

Social Media and Privacy

Privacy is a fluid construct. People created privacy. We shape it, re-write it, rail against and/or for it. The social rules that dictate privacy are inherently individualized and collectively nebulous. Privacy is not rigid. However, when it comes to conversing about privacy and social media, there seem to be severely polarized viewpoints: those who use privacy as a blockade against using social media versus those who use social media without feeling compelled to protect themselves.

Tales From The Tabs

It happens far too often. There are so many open tabs in Chrome that I can barely see the favicons all in a row at the top of my screen. Pondering a solution to this issue, an epiphany of sorts took place while walking outside (59 degrees in Boston, really?!) -- why not share some of the stories and items that I'm reading?

Blogs: The Foundation of Your Communications Strategy

WordPress has been mentioned several times on this blog. As a blogging platform, WordPress offers terrific functionality, ease of use, search engine optimization, accessibility, and it is free. The dot org version of WordPress is the self-hosted variety of the popular Whenever I surf through a student affairs division’s website, I always think about how useful it would be if instead of a static site (content that rarely changes), we switched to a dynamic, content-rich, blog-based site.

How Does It Make You Feel?

With more than 3,000 views on YouTube, Kellen Story's "Stuff Hall Directors Say To RAs...because swearing doesn't help build community" is a fantastic glimpse into the day-to-day humor that arises in residence life. Story, a graduate hall director and member of the SAAHE program at Ball State University, created the video "hastily," because "hall directors have a lot of work to do." It's satire at its finest. Story's story (how could I not resist doing that) on YouTube paints an accurate and humorous picture of stereotypical res life moments.

Dear Vimeo, Patience Isn't An Option

Consider this post to be the last time I write about Vimeo.

Where are the Radical Practitioners?

Radical Student Affairs Practitioners ... Do they exist? Does our profession allow them to exist? Do we nurture them or isolate them? Are they leading our associations or quietly leading from the periphery? Does Student Affairs deconstruct the status quo or do we sustain it?

Certification for Student Affairs Professionals

It was announced this week that ACPA had appointed a Student Affairs "Credentialing Implementation Team." Included in the announcement was news that "the ACPA Governing Board unanimously approved the creation of a professional credentialing program, to consist of a Student Affairs Register and Specialized Skill Certification."