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Student Affairs Job Search: Resumes and Cover Letters

In this edition of the Student Affairs Job Search series, I have decided to cover two items that cause a lot of consternation for many Student Affairs professionals: cover letters and résumés.

Student Affairs Job Search: Personal Branding

While I have not always agreed with some of the tenets of the phenomenon known as "personal branding," I do value the importance of certain aspects.

Student Affairs Job Search: Questions and Challenges

In starting this new year, I've decided to hijack my blog and create a series of posts about the Student Affairs job search. While the job search for Student Affairs professionals does require a certain amount of technology, these posts will focus more on the process of searching.

95 posts: Community, Challenge and Hope

A year-end post ... with shoutouts to many colleagues.

Using RSS to Feed My Brain

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) has been part of my daily brain sustenance for more than 5 years. Most sites that produce content on a regular basis provide RSS feeds for their readers.

Know and Do: Tech Proficiency Improves Efficiency

Efficiency is important. Being more efficient usually means that you have more time. Having more time generally allows additional space for innovation, planning, conversing, thinking, creativity, etc. Technology can be instrumental in making us more efficient. For Student Affairs professionals, efficiency is something that we can usually increase.

An Unconventional Student Affairs Unconference: Ideas Requested

An "unconventional" Student Affairs Unconference is a fairly provocative way of framing an event.

#IRL or #F2F: Relationships Matter

While giving the closing keynote for the NASPA Western Regional Conference last month, I mentioned that one of the frequently used reasons for why some people do not use Twitter is because so many people use the platform to talk about the weather. This particular NASPA event was in San Diego. In November, in sunny San Diego, the weather was joyfully discussed by several conference attendees. We talk about the weather during our face-to-face conversations with one another all of the time.