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Practicing Vulnerability: Are We Wholehearted?

In June of 2010, Brené Brown gave an amazing TED talk on vulnerability. When I first watched her talk, I realized that she had articulated the way that I try to live my life -- professionally and personally. Brown emphasized the concept of "wholeheartedness" and how it relates to vulnerability.

Conference Sessions Do Not Have to Suck

It's March. Conference season is in full swing. Events have been taking place since the beginning of the month. Recently, I was chatting with a friend and told him that I "had made a mistake." He asked what I had done. My response: "I went to some sessions." Oh snap!

Age-Based Rhetoric Adds Unnecessary Barriers

My Grandma Katie used to send out weekly postcards to my family. She would type them on her typewriter and tell us about her week. When dial-up internet became available, my Grandma, then in her mid-70s was able to get online via the slowest computer I have ever had the pleasure of using. She would send out regular emails to her grandchildren. Her connection was as slow as her computer, but she thoroughly loved being able to connect using what was at the time -- super fast, super new technology.

EDUtweetups Now at Inside Higher Ed

When a friend and colleague creates something that benefits the higher education community, I generally try to get the word out about it in as many places as possible. That was the case last year when Mike Petroff debuted EDUtweetups -- "the home of higher ed hashtags." The site was a terrific resource for anyone who wanted to keep track of the many higher education related hashtags and events.

Up, Up, and Away: Travel Gear for the Frequent Flyer

Do you travel a lot? Are you constantly juggling itineraries? Is the quest for an available power outlet at an airport part of your routine? Have you been in so many cities this year that you have lost count?

Supporting Online Students: New Paradigms for an Evolving Profession

At NASPA's Annual Conference, there appeared to be only a single session that was dedicated to the conversation around supporting online students. I'm hoping for an increase in sessions on this topic at next year's conference.

NASPA Technology Knowledge Community: What’s next?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away … okay, so maybe that’s too dramatic. However, this post is going to be a tad bit nerdy, so I had to come out of the gate with a subtle homage.

Mobile and Student Affairs

Mobile is ubiquitous. In the near future, every institution will provide some form of mobile access. Technology solutions providers are rallying at the opportunity to provide new products for higher education. Data is being collected and decisions are being made. Student Affairs needs to be at the table when mobile solutions, strategies and access are discussed. It's not an option. The mobile train has left the station.