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With more than 3,000 views on YouTube, Kellen Story's "Stuff Hall Directors Say To RAs...because swearing doesn't help build community" is a fantastic glimpse into the day-to-day humor that arises in residence life. Story, a graduate hall director and member of the SAAHE program at Ball State University, created the video "hastily," because "hall directors have a lot of work to do." It's satire at its finest. Story's story (how could I not resist doing that) on YouTube paints an accurate and humorous picture of stereotypical res life moments.

"You get free room and board." While I never worked in a "live-in" position, because of my partner, I currently live in a residence hall. Define irony: a student affairs professional working as a consultant while still living on campus... in a residence hall. The room and board statement, repeated in the video, resonated with me quite a bit because I have a meal plan and a fantastic place to live.

"How does it make you feel?" It's a classic counseling question that is almost a cliche among those of us who have completed a student affairs graduate program. When we ask each other that question, oftentimes, an eye roll or two is in order.

"You should think about making an interactive bulletin board." I never knew that bulletin boards were such a big deal until now. Living in a residence hall as a trained practitioner, my point of view is wonderfully different compared to when I was a student. Bulletin boards are created with care and artistry. 

For those res life practitioners who have been or ever will be on duty, I salute you. Having never been on duty myself, I can attest that the mere presence of the duty phone brings mild heart palpitations and a jolt of adrenaline.

Thanks Kellen for your humor and humanity. This video is classic satire! "Don't worry about it, it's student affairs, your resume should be two pages."


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