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Hurricane Katrina helped convince much of higher education that there is a tremendous need for emergency planning. And many of...

3D education

Within the last two weeks, I have taken my older daughter to see Eclipse in IMAX as well as Toy...

Essays that Lie

I was very pleased to read the recent news article in Inside Higher Ed describing the new essay service that...

A Very Private Office

After I completed my PhD and accepted my first tenure track full-time teaching appointment, I was assigned a faculty office...

The Neighborhood Effect

All of us have heard that the key bottom line in real estate is location, location, location. The value of...

When New Is New

All of us are used to reading ads and seeing commercials for products and services that are characterized as “brand...

And the winner is ...

On almost every college or university campus, there are various awards given out on a regular basis. Most typical are...

A Grating Exam

Anytime a semester ends, there are always multiple conversations about final examinations. And final exams come in all sizes and...