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Tis the Season

It is typical at the end of both the fall and spring semesters that there are extra meetings as every...

To Waive or Not to Waive

I am not in a position to gauge whether Cathleen P. Black should or should not be granted a waiver...

Creeping commentary

My expertise is in education and I have tried hard to keep my blog focused on just that topic. I...


The phrase was new to me but the concept and the consequences are very familiar. William G. Bowen, in giving...

Athletics on a smaller scale

I was at the last soccer match of the season and the tension level was very high. Team “Blue” had...

Technology trumps collegiality

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the drama department production of Cabaret. I thought our students did a...

Parking Revelation

In coming back to my office from a University Lecture, I cut through a main administrative parking lot. The lot...

Over the Shoulder

Recently I attended a lecture where the audience included a significant number of high school students. One of our most...