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K-12 education leads the technological way

My kids are in 4th grade and in 7th grade. Two week ago we had “meet the teacher night” for...

Headline News

The Sunday September 26, 2010 edition of Newsday had the following front page headline, “ L[ong] I[sland] Colleges Change Course...

Civil Engineering yes; Tea no

Though it is difficult to demonstrate, even in the era of outcomes assessment, we all strive to provide an education...

Park Is Not Neutral

Parking on a University campus is always a passionate issue. In many cases, the issue is the number of sports...


Earlier today, a dean came to see me regarding the future of a faculty member. This faculty member came to...

The Calendar

Most colleges and universities are on the two semester system – a fall and spring semester plus various sessions in...

The end of summer sessions and the end of summer sessions

We are wrapping up the third summer session on campus. We have three summer sessions and we also have a...


I have been spending the last few days reviewing my tenure and promotion recommendations to the President. Each tenure and...