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The Impact of At-Scale and Mega-U Degrees

The landscape of online higher education is changing with the growth of mega-universities and the advent of scores of MOOC-size at-scale degree programs from prestigious universities.

Preparing for Tomorrow With Online Professional Development

We are entering the fourth industrial revolution, in which jobs and careers are changing at a dizzying pace.

Adaptive Learning to Personalized Learning

Nowhere is artificial intelligence more prominent or controversial in education than in personalized learning.

Affective Artificial Intelligence: Better Understanding and Responding to Students

Artificial intelligence is recognizing and responding to human emotions, oftentimes better than many humans.

Visioning Your Unit’s Future

Visioning is an essential, active process, requiring daily attention.

Leading Faculty Support in Online Learning

Ray Schroeder discusses the unusual mix of qualities that prepare people to succeed in the realm of faculty support.

What Matters More: Skills or Degrees?

We increasingly hear employers, prospective students and futurists saying that it is all about the skills, not about the degree. What does that mean for higher ed?

Considering the Alternatives

Alternatives to the baccalaureate have exploded, giving prospective students many lower-cost options.