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Technology, Truth and Tomorrow

In recent weeks America has come to a reckoning over long-unmet societal values on racial justice, equity and commitment to diversity. Why now? What has changed?

After the Pandemic

Even as budgets are slashed and enrollments dip, we must strive to emerge from this crisis with more resilient and responsive programs.

Changing Market for Postsecondary Education

The COVID-19 pandemic has served to accelerate the changing market for postsecondary education.

Are You a Victim of Zoom Fatigue?

Are you Zooming through your days in discomfort and not liking what you see on the screen?

Home Sweet Home Is Not Office Sweet Office

As many of us are still adjusting to working from home, we are coming to realize that the accoutrements of our offices are not readily available to us at home.

Planning for Mode of Course Delivery in Summer and Fall

As many of us are still grappling with the daily details of remote delivery of campus classes, we must turn our eyes to the summer and fall.

Subscription Rather Than Tuition

What if we subscribed to learning and educational engagement throughout our careers?

What Katrina Taught Us About Online Delivery

In 2005, more than 120 U.S. universities came to the aid of some 20 colleges and universities that had been impacted by Hurricane Katrina through shared online classes.