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Semester Without End

What if the learning and engagement from a single class offering were not to stop with the semester -- if instead it continued throughout a career?

Know Your Students

Far too often we begin planning a class with the content, pedagogy, technology and outcomes in mind -- without first researching the students.

Dawn of 5G: Empowering VR, AR and Much More

The enormous potential of virtual and augmented reality will be enabled through the wide-scale rollout of fifth-generation mobile bandwidths.

2020s -- the Decade of AI and Quantum

We are entering the decade of AI and quantum environments that will reshape higher education. 

Our Greatest Strength Is Our Greatest Vulnerability

The greatest strength of online learning is the anytime and anywhere characteristic, but the online aspect is also our greatest vulnerability.

The Rise of Do-It-Yourself Education

Do it yourself is more than just a trend for crafts and home improvements -- it is an ethos that has reached higher education.

A Fresh Look at Blockchain in Higher Ed

Blockchain is advancing in higher education, as it is in all of society, with some interesting new applications and ramifications.

Quantum Computing Is Poised to Change Everything

It is truly rare that an advancement comes along that changes every aspect of society; quantum computing is poised to do just that in the 2020s.