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Career Coach: Should I Adjunct?

I taught for several years at a state school of fairly low rank and then taught at a very diverse...

Drama Mama: One Rabbit

When I was a young actress in New York City my managers gave me an ultimatum. They said I had...

Motherhood After Tenure: Anxiety

When I was a girl, I took a trip to visit my grandparents in Florida. Leaving Buffalo, NY in November...

ABC's and PhD's: The Secret Lives of Soccer Moms

My kids have been playing soccer since they were 4 years old, and just this week, I found out that...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Career Suicide and Frankenstein

I'm teaching Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein in one of my classes right now, and somehow it's striking a different chord...

Career Coach: A Question No One's Asked

Okay, first up, people, ASK ME QUESTIONS. I'm kind of bad about remembering to write this column on Friday, which...

Drama Mama: Inconsistent

“Take a stand!” I urged a freshman in a conference during office hours just this morning. “Your paper is wishy-washy...

Motherhood After Tenure: the Sabbatical Begins

This is the second week of my sabbatical and already I have a sinking feeling that I’m not accomplishing enough...