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ABCs and PhDs: Saving Our Woods

The patch of woods outside my front door is in trouble. After we moved into our neighborhood four years ago...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Revisiting the Mommy Wars

I've been saving links* to the Sarah Palin coverage for the last week and a half, but I'm still feeling...

Career Counselor: Conflict With a Supervisor

I'm having a bit of a conflict with my supervisor, and I don't know who to ask about it because...

Drama Mama: Downpour, Doubt and Diego

My son’s daycare teacher confided in me that she is also a single mom. It gives me great hope. Not...

Motherhood After Tenure: the Teacher as Student

This week’s Chronicle of Higher Education contains an essay by Roger H. Martin, a former college president who spent a...

ABCs and PhDs: Small Bites

My baby started kindergarten last week. Well, she’s actually five, and very ready for kindergarten, but she’s my youngest. I’ve...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Training Day

Only two weeks ago I confidently announced that " it's not a race," that I'd be able to keep my...

Drama Mama: Hurrah for the IT department!

Hurrah for the IT department! I never thought I would say that about any IT department anywhere. Don’t get me...