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Career Coach: Parenting and Pedagogy

"Dr. K." asks: As an incipient Mama Ph.D., I’d like to know how parenthood affects your pedagogy. If anyone has...

Drama Mama: Two Nickels

So we were at the farmers market early in the morning before preschool and my son asked me if he...

Motherhood Beyond Tenure: How Rap Music Saved My Life

So far my sabbatical is not what I expected. I thought I’d stare for hours at a blank computer screen...

ABCs and PhDs: Time to wander

I do a lot of writing in the shower. Well, no, not actually writing things down on waterproof paper or...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Discipline and Praise

Back in the days when my peers and I were having our children, I remember hearing that one friend didn’t...

Drama Mama: 3 Things for My Best Friend

I have a friend in my discipline whose mother recently became ill. It is a relapse of cancer that she...

ABCs and PhDs: Kindergarten

These last few weeks starting kindergarten have been hard! I remember this from my older daughter too; the adjustment is...

Mothering at Mid-Career #21: Dual Career?

There's almost too much important news these days to choose something to blog about. The economy, the election, the weather...