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Free Speech in a Networked World

It has always been complicated, but in what Timothy Garton Ash calls the "cosmopolis," cultivating this freedom is something we need to understand better.

Can’t Argue With That

It’s challenging to discuss “evaluation of sources” in this sociotechnical moment.

Alexa: Tell Me How to Succeed in College

Do we really want to encourage students to talk to machines instead of people, or is this just another Shiny New Thing?

Responsible Freedoms

Further thoughts on how core library values apply to our digital world.

Something is Wrong

. . . but if it's on the internet, who's to say?

Who’s Welcome Here?

A wording change in an ALA policy shows intellectual freedom is not so simple.

Living in the Uncanny Valley

A review of James Bridle’s compelling new book, New Dark Age: Technology and the End of the Future

It's the Attention Economy, and It's Stupid

A few more thoughts about access to information as a core value of librarianship . . .