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Why We Can't Teach Johnny to Write

. . . and how we actually could, if we make writing a practice, not a punitive test.

Not-So-Funhouse Mirrors

A fraudulent university that is also a fraudulent publishing empire and a fraudulent shopping network is an unsettling example of what can happen when the reality replicator gets gummed up.

Innocence and Experience

It's all too easy to hack the simulated reality of our lives online.

Move Deliberately and Repair Things

Bruce Schneier has some recommendations for making the internet more resilient and secure.

Three Random Thoughts

. . . after another incredibly stressful election.

Are You Kidding Me?

In a world of information that includes scholarly articles, news, opinion, Tweets, and political memes, decoding messages can be tricky.

Taking Him at His Word

What will it take before people believe the lies and rage propagated on the far right endanger democracy - and lives?

Attack of the Porn Hunters

Fringe groups are suing EBSCO for cleverly hiding porn in its K12 databases - hiding it so cleverly only the porn hunters can find it.