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Choose Privacy - and Think About Census 2020

There's too much data-gathering going on, but there's some we really need.

Know News, Good News

A reporter, a librarian, and a technologist walk into a bar . . .

Lessons from the Facebook Fiasco

Apparently libraries may be learning all the wrong ones.

Bad News

Amazon is a stand-in for a newspaper that annoys the president -- and other bad news.

Gatekeeping, Moderation, and Conspiracies

Hand-crafted fact-checking matters in an algorithmic world.

Public Domain -- Just Kidding!

A koan: How is a public domain article found behind a paywall?

Winner Take All (But the Blame)

Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, and an academic walk into a bar fight . . .

Informed Dissent

Adam Greenfield understands technology and wants to explain some things to us. We should pay attention.