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Dispatches from the Future

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of m ind; a route that...

Conferences and Unconferences

I had an unusually busy travel year. Usually, I go to one conference - at most. This time I went...

Love in a Time of Algorithms

In last Sunday's New York Times Jonathan Franzen wrote about the ways love, technology, and consumerism are growing blurred. We...

Good News, Bad News

I seem unable to develop a sustained argument about anything right now, so - oh, look, a butterfly! Instead here...

Tokens and Taboos: Making Books Open Access

For the last couple of weeks I've been acting cynical and complaining about our cult of excess information when what...

Confusing Excess With Access

Last week, I confessed to having something of a crisis of faith. I was attending a fascinating workshop on library...

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

I am feeling a bit of cognitive dissonance. I just sent off a list of talking points for a board...