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Sources of Confusion

I’m always interested in what Project Information Literacy is up to. This week they have posted an interview with Sandra...

An Incident of Road Rage on the Information Highway

Google has been driving me crazy. Until this week, I had used our campus version of Google apps for my...

Search: How Libraries Do it Wrong

A couple of new articles forthcoming in College & Research Libraries just caught my eye. The first, by Brett Bodemer...

A Modest Proposal Inspired by Aaron Swartz

I don’t know what Aaron Swartz planned to do with the four million or so articles that he downloaded from...

Breaking News: Academic Journals are Really Expensive!

. . . who knew? As I write this, the Minnesota state capital has opened its doors after a nineteen-day...

Nothing Personal: How Database Licenses Make Pirates of Us All

The other day, as I was tracking down the text of a classic article in JSTOR to refer to in...

Second Thoughts: The Value of Research Papers

Back in April, I wrote a bit cantankerously about my doubts that research papers as a genre are a particularly...

Prepare to Repel Researchers!

An interesting question came up the other day on COLLIB-L, a discussion list for college librarians. A librarian reported that...