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The Revolution Will Not Be Subscription-Based

Another fascinating report has just come out from Project Information Literacy, a source of many fascinating reports. This one focuses...

Tinker Toy Story II

Last week, I riffed on a controversy over a library organization restructuring that led to new positions being created, old...

You are Not a Tinker Toy: Libraries and Reorganization

When I read “ Library Limbo,” a news story about library staff members being laid off the University of San...

Not Sold (Yet) on Ebooks

I’m getting ready to be a panelist for Library Journal’s second virtual summit on ebooks. I have ten minutes to...

How to Hack Academic Book Publishing in Two (Not So) Easy Steps

The book based on the Hacking the Academy project is now online and soon will be available in print from...

Are Research Paper Assignments a Trojan Horse for Left-Wing Ideology?

An issue currently highlighted in the New York Times’ Room for Debate feature is on whether research papers are a...

The Syllabus as TOS

I just checked the definition of syllabus in the Oxford English Dictionary. It states what I used to assume it...