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The Boundaries of 'Information' in Information Literacy

We have daily contact with a lot of information systems. Do we talk about them when we talk about information literacy?

Peering Into Peer Review

A recent hoax is the latest among many tests of peer review. What should we learn from it?

Info Wars

Can we handle the truth? Apparently a lot of politicians think we’re better off without it.

When the Internet is Angry

A new book by Zeynep Tufekci looks at ways networked protest is changing political movements worldwide.

How Libraries Became Public II

Women had a lot to do with it, just as masculinity has a lot to do with our current tech environment.

How Libraries Became Public

It was during an era much like ours when the public library became an American institution.

Two New Books About Digital Scholars

A pair of books look at digital scholarship, one from the perspective of faculty who want to contribute ot the public good, the other a view of how students use technology in their lives.

Post-Post Truth

What have we learned from the “fake news” conundrum? That neither algorithmic tweaks nor lessons in fact-checking will solve the problem.