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Pranking the Academy

Thinking about the Third World Quarterly situation.

An Update from the Far-Away Reference Desk

It's hard to learn when you can't go to a library, use the internet, and rely on volunteer teachers. But motivated people can do it, even when incarcerated.

All Things in Moderation

I have no idea what a publication should do when it comes to comments, but it’s a fascinating problem.

A Necessary Footnote

When we say "everyone is welcome here" there's a self-excluding exception.

What's New and Where It Fits

How are you addressing our changing information environment in your teaching? How do you make room for new realities and attendant controversies?

Beyond Ignorance

How can libraries enact their values in the wake of Charlottesville? Can we impart those values to our students?

Just Business

In the wake of Elsesvier scooping up boxes of library work on open access with their acquisition of Bepress, I'm pondering why it hurts so much - and what's next.

Inevitably Open

It's either the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning.