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The Ghost in the Machines of Loving Grace

Google's mission is to organizes the world's information and make it universally accessible, Facebook's is to give us the power to share in order to make the world more connected. So why are we so ill-informed and divided?

Institutional Values and the Value of Truth-Seeking Institutions

The press, higher education, and libraries - we don't always do it right, but a commitment to seeking the truth matters.

Books (Still) in Print

It's a famous law of librarianship: books are for use. And, surprise surprise, they still are.

Burning Issues for Operation 451

How can libraries respond when trolls weaponize our committment to free speech?

Make America [Fill In the Blank]

We've been here before. We'll find our way forward eventually. I hope.

Socializing Academia

Sick of relying on commercial platforms for academic sharing? Humanities Commons, SocArXiv, and the Center for Open Science to the rescue!

Best (and Worst) Practices for Designing Learning Spaces

A new report is out from Project Information Literacy. Make sure you read it before you get too far into a library renovation.