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Nothing demonstrates books are powerful more clearly than trying to keep them from being read.


Happy new year! What disasters and crises do we have to look forward to this time around?

At Year's End

Thinking about this annus horribilus and what might come next.

It's Not Over

The fight against the FCC's benighted decision has moved into the courts and into Congress.

The Term Paper Perplex

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves and our students?

Twitter and the Bernays Bookcase

Twitter and its ilk want us to fill their barren shelves with our attention and our selves. There are alternatives, if I can just shake this marketing-engineered habit.

Human Subjects, Third Parties, and the Law

Just because my phone knows where I’ve been doesn’t mean I'm fine with you following me around for your investigations – whether you’re a cop or an academic.

Nuking Net Neutrality

Ajit Pai thinks we're being hysterical because we don't trust our internet service providers to act in our best interest. That's hysterical.