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AI, Jobs and ‘Rule of the Robots’

Martin Ford’s artificial intelligence centered follow-up to his 2015 book arguing that robots were poised to take all our jobs.

Is Michigan Recruiting for the Best Job in Higher Ed?

Three questions for James DeVaney about the new role of senior director of online learning in Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation.

Reading ‘Always On’ and Thinking About Tech During the Pandemic

A BBC journalist’s perspective on the impact of COVID-19 on technology and society.

Lateral Thinking and ‘A Brief History of Motion’

Why learning about the history of wheeled transportation may help us think about the future of higher education.

Recognizing Core Capacities When We See Them

Supporting teaching and learning in the 21st-century university.

Tesla, ‘Power Play’ and the Future of Online Learning

What a book about the history of electric cars and autonomous driving tells us about the future of low-cost/high-quality online scaled degree programs.