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When the teacher is ready, the student will appear

One of the joys of doing sustainability work on campus is interacting with students. Now, I've been teaching part-time for...

You, the jury

It you live in the USA or Canada, there's an election going on in your life. I'm not going to...

... a giant leap for America.

Yesterday, the N.Y. Mercantile started auctioning mandatory carbon allowances under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. They're mandatory, that is, if...

... be very afraid!

Like everybody else, I'm following what's happening in Washington with regard to the possible bailout of financial markets. What strikes...

Sneaking in after hours

An article by Elizabeth Redden in yesterday's IHE noted that more than half of the charter signatories to the ACUPCC...

... or what's a meta phor?

Sometimes, life hands you a metaphor which is just absolutely perfect. I think that's the case with the current meltdown...

Efficiency is over-rated

I got an email recently from a PR person, including a link to a report her client is currently pushing...

Border skirmishes

One of the decisions each campus has to make, early in the process of doing a greenhouse gas inventory, is...