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Issues of scale

To attend a commencement last weekend, I had to travel overnight. Two related observations stick in my mind, although I...

Green gowns?

I attended another commencement this weekend. After the ceremony, I was chatting with one of the graduates. The subject of...

Climate, culture and composition

In discussions with sustainability folk on other campuses, one question that often comes up is "what are you guys doing...

C into U doeth go

There are two trends sweeping society which bother me no end. One is for otherwise estimable publications (I've counted six...

Celebrations - commencement and cinematic

As a parent, teacher and Greenback University staff member, I get to attend multiple commencement ceremonies each spring. I glory...

The green rubber snake

A week ago, Paul Krugman published an op-ed piece which pretty much sums up the relationship between sustainability and the...

All the things green is

One of my favorite songs has always been "All the things you are", by Kern and Hammerstein. It appeals to...


In tangential response to an earlier post, a correspondent -- keep those e-cards and e-letters coming to g (dot) rendell...