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Sunday evening, I was driving with Mrs. R. in a town near our farm. We were proceeding down what used...

Waxman-Markey Secrets Revealed!

Is it the road map to a brave new world? The end of Western civilization as we know it? Both...

Keep your eye on the road ahead

This week, it's easy to get lulled into driving with your eyes on the rear-view mirror. Chrysler apparently comes out...

Environmental ethics

Climate change is killing people. By the hundreds of thousands. Right now. That's one of the conclusions of an analysis...

It's not about the deadline

You know, it's kind of fun blogging about higher education and sustainability. Fun in that it gives me an opportunity...

A last word on commencements

I thought I was done with commencements for about a year, when someone sent me a link to the address...

A recommendation and a reminder

Although it's only tangentially related to the topic of sustainability (and even that only if your mind runs in the...

Not that I'm biased, but ...

Events like commencements tend to connect me to family members I haven't seen in a while. In this case, an...