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Class war cease fire

OK, I can admit when I'm wrong. I shouldn't have used the term "social class" to refer to various strata...

Don't know much about ...

... history. Don't know much biology. Don't know much about science books. Don't know much about the French I took...

The other classes on campus

The series title "Town & Country" put me in mind of something I hadn't thought about for years. When I...


Exceptional, at least, in the sense that it goes against the grain of most of what I've been thinking on...


So if cities need to get citier and the country needs to get countrier, what does that mean for campuses...


Since I was raised as a country boy, with an inherited scorn for city-dwellers and "flatlanders", I've never had much...

And now for a brief word ...

... AAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHH! I just read an item that explained how a Nestle bottled water plant in Pennsylvania was awarded LEED...


A story on NPR this morning spoke of how, while it's going downhill slower than the financial or manufacturing sectors...