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SCUP-44: Tuesday noon

One of the first sessions this morning was a presentation on the USGBC's Portfolio Program. Titled "From Building-Centric to Campus-Wide"...

SCUP-44: Monday evening

Just a couple of additions to previous information. As regards Portland's public transit system (my experience of which will continue...

SCUP 44: Monday afternoon

One session this afternoon presented information from Michigan State U, and spoke to the need to correlate behavioral changes to...

SCUP 44 - Monday morning

The opening plenary today was addressed by Jonathan Kozol – always an inspiration in terms of the value of education...

SCUP-44: Initial Ravings

The air transport system in the USA (and probably in most other countries as well) isn't a good answer to...

Dinner meet-ups in Portland

This year's conference of SCUP (the Society for College and University Planning) is in Portland, OR next week. I'll be...

Confounding climate

According to a paper appearing in the International Journal of Global Warming, the problem isn't greenhouse gases. To be more...

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

According to a release from the Center for Biological Diversity and associated groups, Dow has applied to test sulfuryl fluoride...