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Any system that's only 11% efficient can be improved. According to an article in a recent issue of New Scientist...

Other blogs, other posts

First, let me just state that Sunday's post about Greenback's library was in no way a setup for Tuesday's debut...

Sustainability and sexism

Sometimes, the world is just trying to tell me something. Occasionally, I get the message. First, I read yesterday's excellent...

A thought experiment

One of the people on campus I talk to fairly regularly works at Greenback's main library. I'm not sure whether...

Wind and wave

As I mentioned in an earlier post, one of the things I noticed on the way to vacation was an...

The end of which year?

Before I got into the higher ed sector, I had a hand in payroll processing for a fairly large corporation...

Respite and radio

I went on a week's vacation earlier this summer. Went towards the water, and saw a surprising number of wind...

Follow the money

I've been thinking some about structural barriers to change. You know, those aspects of how Greenback's organized, or how it...