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When I was a college freshman I had to take an English Literature course. It wasn't Lit 101/102 (the generally...

Another voice

So, I'm sitting in my chair, drinking my first cup of coffee this morning and checking my email, when it...

Not Babylon 5

I don't want to think about the crude oil currently spewing into the Gulf of Mexico. I'd much rather think...


Just one more thought -- really, a question -- on the subject of co-ops. Cooperation isn't just a form of...

The goodness of co-opness

Recent events like the explosion at Upper Big Branch and the BP drilling platform fire in the Gulf show up...

Grassroots green growth

Good jobs, tied to sustainable enterprises in existing communities. That's the objective of the Apollo Alliance, and one which they...

Times of a little less money

In the course of my most recent mutterings, I made reference to the Great Depression. I did so to demonstrate...

Times of no money

Some 25 years ago, a quasi-country quartet calling themselves "The Girls Next Door" had a moderate hit with a ditty...