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Run-off and Redbreast

Today it really is Earth Day 40, even though we at Greenback celebrated last weekend. The celebration was somewhat muted...

Why wait 'til the last minute?

So let's say your university takes the plunge and invests big-time in solar photovoltaic panels covering all the roofs on...

What's wrong with this picture??

Earth Day 40 came and went. I was at an event on campus, which was being held in a tent...

How many angels?

So, drawing on the putative thoughts in the last two posts, one of the problems universities face in trying to...

An inconvenient inventory

Greenback U, like a lot of other schools I'm sure, is in for a rude awakening. Under terms of the...

A thought in the dark

As my clock-radio switched on NPR this morning, I was treated to two seemingly similar stories, one right after the...

Measuring the wrong thing

There's an old saying among good managers: "Be careful what you measure, because that's what's going to improve." Which is...

Water, anyone?

Check out Linda McQuaig's op-ed piece in The Toronto Star. It puts a few things into perspective, including the media's...