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Living, learning, walking

In my perambulations of the internet, I came across an action plan for a neighborhood called Snyder, in Amherst NY...

Fooling with fonts

No, this information does not originate with the Finnish linguist Sloof Lirpa. It originates at, among other places, the University...

Virtue = license?

A key question, to my mind at least, is how people can be motivated to make more sustainable choices. In...

The poisoner's dilemma

I was reminded recently of the classic game theory scenario known as The Prisoner's Dilemma. It goes something like this...

Working with Walmart

As I've mentioned before, I'm not a big fan of Walmart's big box business model. I don't care for its...

Being seen as green

I was reading an article recently. From the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. I read this kind of thing...

Engineering behavior

For years now, I've used Microsoft Office, running on Microsoft Windows. And for years, every time I've wanted to do...

Self-winding cellphones

It's not in production yet, but Nokia was recently awarded a patent for a cellphone that recharges its own battery...