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Rating and ranking, measurement and management, and maybe a little doing in your spare time

As David Moltz reported in these pages Tuesday, a number of campus sustainability officers have issued an open letter describing...

Other than environmental

Doing "sustainability work" on campus generally means trying to change institutional operations so that they're less destructive of the environment...

The good news (?) and the good news (?)

First, the big news. BP's undersea oil gusher appears to be stopped, at least temporarily. I say "appears" because a...

A World Cup-ful

According to Environmental Leader (one of the electronic newsletters I get daily or oftener), the recently completed World Cup competition...

Consumer "eco" fees?

I really don't know what to think about a news item which crossed my (virtual) desk this morning. Apparently, the...

Meal planning

Whenever I think about feeding students on campus, a question comes into my mind. I've eaten meals on probably 100...

Not just desserts

Part of getting students/kids/people interested in their food is having food that's interesting. And part of using fruits and veg...


So yesterday, I get back home. The last thing I'd done before leaving campus had been to post some thoughts...