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Eating in place

Although I'm not a devout local-vore, I do prefer to eat locally. In terms of meat and poultry, buying locally...

Sum ... Sum ... Summertime

I love summertime. Not because I get summers off -- I'm a twelve-month employee, and many of my campus-improvement projects...

The future of publishing(?)

One of the little things I like about the National Research Council's recent report on the future of agriculture is...

The future of farming, at very least

The National Research Council has produced Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century, a report describing how farming practices...

Lower-left-wing conspiracy

Speaking for all of us here in the Northeast, I want to apologize. In truth, we probably deserve our fate...

Green jobs vs. pink slips

Over the past couple of years, finances at Greenback have been tight; I know they have been on a lot...

No place

There's a video making the rounds of the 'net, purporting to show the results of oily rain falling on Louisiana...

Thomas and theater; Muscle and power

I don't often read Cal Thomas's columns, but Mrs. R. does. I'm not sure why, unless it's to get her...