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Last things first

An article in the current (February) issue of Dwell magazine tells of a married couple in the Netherlands -- designers...


I traveled over the MLK weekend, and ended up staying in a nicely refurbished older hotel. More than a number...

Some real good news

Two items of good news for the environment, one of them potentially very significant. First, it appears that Italy has...

Good news, bad news, mortality and sex

A family member likes to say, referring to a single fact within a situation, "that's the good news -- it's...

Learning to lead?

A recent post by David Roberts on Grist promises the top five stories of 2010 for "climate hawks" (Grist's new...


When I was first thinking about starting this blog, the editors at InsideHigherEd asked whether I intended it to be...


We've had a fair amount of snow in Backboro. Not an inordinate amount by any means (it is December, after...

The Pumpkin Seed Principle

During October, November and December each year I tend to serve stuffed pumpkin four or five times. That means I...