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Little Offerings

One of the oddest things about being a homeowner in a university town is the stuff that gets left in...

My Own Responses to Student Comments

One of the TAs in my group office had a public conniption today over her student evaluations from last semester...

Responding to Student Comments

The website for mtv U. has a page of video responses by professors around the country to student comments at...

MFA Super-Valu Combo Deals

My intern brought me my tray in bed this morning as usual, with my copy of Inside Higher Ed, still...

Study at Home

One of the main benefits of studying abroad has always been the new perspective that immersion in another culture provides...

A Student Fails

James e-mailed this week to say he’d flunked out of Hinterland. I’d had to fail him in my lecture class...

Going to The Fair

The World's Fair, that is, one of the ScienceBlogs from Seed Media, where the barker always shouts, "All manner of...

Aren't Blog Post Titles Tiresome?

Especially when the posting is just a couple of links to fun videos? The videos in this case represent a...