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Rules of Engagement

When I enlisted in the Army years ago, I was offered half-a-dozen duty stations for my first posting. I chose...

Guest Post: On Seeing Clearly

[ Recently I asked writer, editor and teacher Dinty W. Moore to join the conversation on teaching creative writing, and...

What John Warner Knows

My guest today is John Warner, editor of McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, a man who once took a chance on a...

College Break-Creep

No, not the guy standing in front of the toilet door on the charter bus from Michigan State to Daytona...

Happy Thanksgiving

A couple of weeks ago I called my old friend Frenchy and asked if he’d come for Thanksgiving. It wasn’t...

The Quick and The Small

I’ve always liked Adam Gopnik’s writing, but his recent piece in support of abridged books has an odd thesis imbedded...

Of Pedagogy

There was a roundtable here last Friday on creative-writing pedagogy. I hadn’t RSVP’d for the event but agreed to go...

For A Second There, I Was Worried

My friend Dan and I grew up together. He and his wife are the godparents of our sons, and they...