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Ask the Administrator: Adjunct Course Development

A new correspondent writes: I am a recovering adjunct. I still teach a fewcourses but I am now doing more...

Freedom of Speech in Administration

(The confusion evident in this post isn't just a function of sloppy editing; it's an accurate reflection of my actual...


Garrison Keillor recently wrote something to the effect that it's shocking to wake up one morning and realize that the...

The Sounds of Silence

Evil HR Lady gave me a heads-up regarding a question she received about adjoining faculty offices, when the respective faculty...

Projects, Promises, and Bank Shots

There's a great pair of posts up over at Bardiac's dealing with frustration over repeated overpromising (and selective guru loyalty)...

After Work

The Girl, her big pink teddy bear, and I are sitting on the couch in the family room. TG: Let's...

Ask the Administrator: What Fresh Hell is This?

A new correspondent asks for help decoding a job ad: I would like to solicit input from you and your...

"Me" Movies: Accepted

I enjoy two kinds of movies. The first kind is the “Good Movie.” Good Movies can be identified by such...