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What are the odds? There was actually a staggeringly brilliant piece in the New York Times yesterday! (The piece is...

Policy and Trust

A former cc administrator -- who is not me -- did a piece in the Chronicle about deans and chairs...

Ask the Administrator: Bouncer Duty

A regular correspondent writes: Lots of people are showing up in class these days who have been cut off from...

The Girl, Future Supreme Ruler of the Earth

The Girl is in training to be Supreme Ruler of the Earth. She has already conquered the opposite sex. One...

We Insure, So You Don't Have To!

In the debates over health insurance, I've rarely heard anyone make the point – obvious, to anyone who works in...

Victories, Near and Far

One of the psychological adjustments I had to learn, when moving into administration, was to lower my expectations for victory...

The Mad Scientists' Club

Now that The Boy is in first grade, he's at the age where we have to start making choices about...

Thoughts on Adjunct Unions

According to IHE, adjuncts at Pace University in New York City had their bargaining unit certified three years ago, but...