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Credits Where They're Due

According to this article (and check out the comments!), the governor of New Jersey just signed a law mandating that...

Attracting Adults

Like many cc's, mine is banging its head against the wall trying to reverse a long-term decline in the number...

Unearthing the Rules

Yesterday, I advised cultivating a certain indifference to the unwritten rules. Today's post is about the written ones. Folks who...

"Supposed To"

Oso and Bitch have posts up addressing, in different ways, the whys and wherefores of using your degree in ways...

Tenure and Spinach

New Kid has a great post, taking to task a particularly annoying “First Person” column in the Chronicle. The column...

Notes from the First Week Back

The Wife's birthday was this past weekend. She continues to look dramatically younger than her age, which I'll admit taking...


The New York Times ran a front-page article yesterday with the shocking – shocking, I say – news that colleges...

Ask My Readers: One-Year Gigs and Undergraduate Research

A returning correspondent writes: I have been skimming the latest crop of advertisements for physicsfaculty, and every so often I...