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Napster University?

According to IHE, the latest proposed extension of the Higher Education Act contains, among other things, a provision requiring that...

What Kind of Grader Are You?

A left coast correspondent writes (this is a long one): We have had a kerfuffle blow up today at my...

Ask My Readers: Pluses and Minuses

Becky Hirta's recent post about grades got me thinking. My college doesn't give 'plus' or 'minus' semester grades -- you...

$100 Oil and Commuter Colleges

My cc, like most community colleges and many lower-tier four-year colleges, doesn't have dorms. Since it's located in suburbia, public...

Revenge of the Nerds

Apparently, there's a candy now called "Nerds." The Boy got some in his Halloween loot, and opened the box after...

Murder By Numbers

A new correspondent writes: So here it is: I teach (adjunct) Anthropology and Cultural "Survey" at a local art college...

Letters Redux

An occasional correspondent writes: After many years as a full-time faculty member at a community college, I have decided to...

Friday Fragments

From the "Sometimes I Get Tired of Being Right" department: a few days ago I posted "How Chrysler stays in...