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Fun with Boards

Although some on campus like to talk about The Administration as a monolith, like The Borg, it's actually composed of...

Scenes from Thanksgiving Break

A few vignettes from the holiday weekend: *** The Boy at lunch: "I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with...

Access and Limits

Aspazia, characteristically, has a thought-provoking post about applied ethics. This time it's about some partial scholarships that her husband's college...

Advisory Boards

My cc is taking a new look at guidelines for "advisory boards" for various "occupational" degree programs. (A quick definition...

Presidents on Allowances

The Chronicle has had a series over the last week or so about the salaries of college Presidents. I won't...

Hell Hath No Fury

A new correspondent writes: I am a Department Head for a large urban CC in a very small vocational program...

Death Valley

Although the very thought of it makes some academics blanch, I'm beginning to think that "evidence-based management" could be really...

Well, That Explains a Lot...

In the context of discussing ways to encourage her colleagues to try to reach students at different levels of demonstrated...