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Changing Barometers

Back in the 80's and early 90's, the way you could tell if a speaker was losing the audience was...

The Boy Turns Eight

The Boy is eight today. He looks ten, but he's eight. It's a fun age to watch, since it's still...


Last week, IHE had a story about a conference dedicated to addressing the relatively low rate of college attendance by...

Learning Not to Answer

I've had variations on this conversation several times recently. Professor: There's option A and option B, and I guess technically...

Fun with Cognitive Dissonance

Both of these stories make sense on their own terms. But taken together, they neatly capture the basic dilemma in...

The Platinum Rule

Twice in the last month, I've been in meetings at which somebody suggested that the solution to some ongoing dilemma...

When the Boss is Awful

In response to yesterday's post, several commenters asked variations on "well, okay, but what if the dean is a jackass...