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Local Economic Indicators

The Planet Money podcast from NPR has a running feature called "Today's Economic Indicator" (or something like that). It's a...

Imposter Syndrome

Lesboprof has a thought-provoking post up about imposter syndrome. It's that nagging feeling that you get in an authority role...


Apparently, it's compare-and-contrast week on the blog. These two stories from IHE, posted on the same day, are worth reading...

Speaking on Behalf of...

A little while back I was involved in a meeting at which a relatively contentious issue was debated. One person...

Compare and Contrast

It isn't often that you can see a historical inflection point this clearly. Posted on the same day, these two...

The Shuffle, or, The Hidden Cost of Savings

With the budget situation continuing to worsen, we're often unable to replace people when they leave. When the people in...

For, Against, and That Elusive Third Category...

In a couple of discussions on campus this week, I've had variations on this exchange: Prof: So this is why...

Thoughts on Hiring Outside Academe

There's a thought-provoking piece in IHE this week by Charles Middleton, President of Roosevelt University, about hiring senior administrators from...