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I had a good conversation this week with someone who works at one of our major feeder high schools. It's...

An Open Letter to the Department of Education

Dear Dept of Ed, Thanks for the wonderful grant support you've offered recently to community colleges. With enrollments up and...

If You Give a Prof a Project...

(hat-tip to Laura Numeroff's If You Give a Moose a Muffin...) If you give a prof a project, he'll want...


If I had plenty of ambition and no conscience at all, this would be my plan to get my cc...

Scenes with The Girl

"I wish you could see my thinks, but they're stuck in my brain and I can't get them out." --...

Thoughts on Community

I've opined before that academic deans, and community colleges, need more glamorous portrayals in the media. Dean Wormer from Animal...

In Praise of Collaborative Answers

Sherman Dorn has a nice response to yesterday's post, in which he basically argues that established unions are generally better...

Power 101

Several alert readers sent me this story about Southwestern College, a cc near San Diego. According to the IHE account...